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Question: The new event photos or gallery from last night is not up yet. Why?

Ontario Speed Dating


Generally, it takes us up to 24 hours after the event ends for us to have the images for that event available online. It might take longer if we are part of multiple events in one day.

Shortly after the event is finished, we "Edit" new photos in the gallery before publishing them. This means we go through all of the several hundred pictures we have taken that nightto make sure all the horrible ones are deleted from the gallery. This includes scenes that don't make the cut such as any profane ones taken by accident. Editing may take up to severalhours to complete depending on the complexity of the new images. We then send each and every one of them to the website as a gallery all at once. The time for that depends onthe tools used to finish the photos, our internet connection, and the overall uploading.

To be notified of new photos sooner, login (or create an account for free) and select "Advanced Album Alerts" and follow the on-screen instructions and place a check in any applicable box. Once the pictures are ready, you will be notified instantly.

Please contact us if you believe an event with us in it recently happened and photos did not arrive on the site within 48 hours time.

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A convenient way to find the desired photos is to view last months calendar. See January 2025


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Updated: 02/22/25.  

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#1 place for nightlife pictures