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Question: Can I use any photos or ordered prints from here as evidence to a case if I go to court?



Yes. These photos you see online may be presented to anyone without any cost.

Keep in mind that if the photos are used as court case evidence, professional prints should be ordered directly from us. Pictures stored onany removal media like a CD or a usb stick or cell phone might be decent evidence but quality paper evidence is better. We advise against using low-priced new model printers because the quality degrades over time. If a hardcopy of the photo is required sooner than we can deliver them, consider using another professional photography company. They might however decide to charge more money for their pictures. Be sure to shop around if this route is mandatory.

Be advised that we're not lawyers, nor are we other court case professionals. We are unable to help with any testimony in any courtroom. Your selected photosfor the court case is something done entirely at your own risk. Additionally, we will not attempt to influence any outcome regardless of when, how or whyunless specifically required to do so by order of law. If you require assistance with any legal matter, go through many lawyers until the one that provides the best assistance is found.

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