Help and Support
Question: Why does this website not work with Internet Explorer 7?
This website is tested on a regular basis to ensure high web browser compatibility and higher user satisfaction.
Unfortunately, Microsoft Internet Explorer has many problems which makes websites (including this one) mostlyincompatible with that web browser. The good news however, is that Internet Explorer 6 is able to position the menu itemson this website correctly, however, the 3D tabs might not appear. Internet Explorer 10 and newer can render this website correctly and wesuggest you upgrade to at least that version if you insist on using Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you require further assistance with the internaloperations of Internet Explorer, We suggest you contact the people at Microsoft directly.
This website is compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, Canary, and many other web browsers, and many can bedownloaded and used for free. A browser with internal support for CSS 2.1+ (cascading style sheets 2.1 or later) and Javascript 1.2 or later as well as the ability to cache a minimum of 4MB of datais essential to take advantage of the full benefits of this website. Many browsers today as well as those made around the year 2000 will support all these features.
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